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Are you politically correct?

Эта работа была выполнена для участия в конкурсе МАН, где заняла первое место.

According to the latest events, every conscious citizen of our state has to put this question nowadays. That’s why the phenomenon of political correctness is undoubtedly topical in public life. As for linguistics. Scientists’ views on this phenomenon differ fundamentally. Thus, the topic stimulates interest and it is the current problem of modern linguistics.

Due to democratization of the society, the significance of politically correct expressions has gained more and more importance in the intercultural communication. Political correctness as a linguistic phenomenon appeared in late XX century in the USA and it has become the object of researching for many scientists. The essence of the problem of the political correctness phenomenon in the language is that there are no generally accepted requirements as for the use of certain vocabulary and the presence of equally substantial negative aspects as well as positive ones. It makes impossible to conclude definitely. The English language has the status of the most significant international language, which is developing fast and that is why it is of great interest for us.

The aim of our work is to research the functioning peculiarities of the political correctness principle in the modern English language.

According to the aim the following objectives were raised:

1) to analyze definitions of terms ‘political correctness’ in comparison with similar notions of politeness and language tact;

2) to determine the spheres where the political correctness phenomenon is especially appearing;

3) to define positive and negative aspects of the political correctness phenomenon;

4) to analyze the US periodicals to show the realization of the political correctness principle and to make up the list of the most widespread words with commentaries.

The object of the research is the process of appearing and developing of the political correctness phenomenon in the English language.

The subject of the research is the realization of the political correctness strategies in the US periodicals.

The methodological bases of the research are scientific works by Ukrainian and foreign researchers such as O.V.Zavadska, S.G. Ter-Minasova, R.M. Bednarchyk, O.V.Schlyakhtina, Ph. Backwkeet, M. Bauman. Sepir-Worph’s theory is the basic theory for studying the political correctness as a language phenomenon.

Thus, revising the fulfilled tasks, we have obtained the next results:

1. Political correctness is a special ideological realia, which is an aggregate of cultural and behavioral, language norms adopted in society. The norms aim for preventing of discrimination of all kinds.

1. Do political correctness and politeness have something in common? We have found an interesting thought of popular American blogger Glaivester. “Thе difference is that politeness is merely formal. Political correctness requires that you internalize the lie. Politeness is telling an ugly woman that she is attractive. Political correctness is encouraging her to try for a modeling job and then picketing the modeling agency if they don’t hire her. It’s all well and good to be polite in social situations. But when discussing actual policies, politeness must not get in the way of clear thinking.”

1. Having analyzed the theoretical material, we came to the conclusion that political correctness couldn’t be compared to the notion “politeness” because it’s an official state language ideological strategy, whilst politeness is a human’s own choice.

2. As one of the language strategies, political correctness is based on Sepir-Worph’s linguistic hypothesis. It says that the type of behavior and mentality in speaking group depends on the type of language. According to this hypothesis, a man who has called an invalid as a disabled person since his childhood will treat him in a different way from that person who says “a cripple”.

2. Due to the embodiment of the political correctness strategy modern English is changing and updating. We have found that special changes in vocabulary happened in such language spheres as:

  • racial and ethnic discrimination;

  • gender inequality;

  • social status;

  • age;

  • job prestige;

  • health;

  • appearance;

  • environmental protection;

  • politics;

  • classical literature.

3. Within the framework of language policy attempts were made in some countries to change the words and expressions that firstly seem inoffensive into more politically correct ones.

Here are a few examples. A woman who has adopted a child now is simply called “mother” but not “an adoptive mother”, because adoptive parents can be regarded as authentic. As for religious sphere, the wish for being politically correct can be found in some English-speaking countries.

The traditional “Merry Christmas” has often been changes into “Happy Holidays” if it is addressed to people of unknown religious creed (For example, to speak in public).

As a social problem political correctness is being worried by many famous people. The words of song/lyrics of red-haired British singer Tim Minchin are the great example of ambiguous attitude to this issue “Only a ginger can call another ginger ginger. So listen to me if you care for your health, you won’t call me ginger unless you’re ginger yourself”.

3. For all ambiguity of political correctness ideas the unquestionable positive sense can be stand out.

  • Firstly, they focus on the language role in the creation of positive atmosphere in human’s relationship.

  • Secondly, they adjust equal position of different social groups in society.

  • Also, they protect human rights and provide mutual esteem between people.

However, there are some negative aspects of political correctness influence. Among them are:

  • “politically correct” suppression or distortion of the truth as for some events or facts;

  • the development of creative thoughts breaking;

  • the restriction of independent thinking ability, stereotypes imposing;

  • the desire to equal the society, looking at minorities or disabled people;

  • stress as a result of constant thinking what and how to say something.

4. In recent times the language of mass media on semantic, syntax, and word formation level has been of great scientific interest as the language of mass media is the main field for evaluation, reformation of existing patterns and establishing lexical innovations in speakers’ consciousness.

4. To accomplish the objectives of our research we have analyzed some types of periodicals of 2009-2014 in the USA. There are newspapers and magazines Time, Runner, Science Illustrated, Kyiv Post, Blacklisted News, Kyiv Weekly, Entertainment and Stars.

4. Euphemization is a chief technique of the political correctness in a language. O.V. Shlyakhtina states that political correctness is the policy of behavior and euphemization is the way of realization of this policy.

4. In modern mass media ethical and moral euphemisms are met most often. For example: in Kyiv Weekly Newspaper from September 11, 2009 : Trying to get closer to the modern - day notions of beauty, full- bodied men and women torture themselves with different diets. The author of the article used the word full-bodied instead of fat, what is politically correct to the over-weight people

Also, there are some semantic groups that are widely used in printed mass media such as

1. euphemism, related to discrimination (race, cultural, religious, sexual); 2. euphemisms, that hide lexical items, which cause the sensation of pain, disgust or disappointment (death, incurable illnesses, physical needs, disabilities so on); 3. euphemisms, related to social state (alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, criminality, poverty, stigma attached to different jobs); 4. euphemisms, related to age and appearance.

Working on the practical part of the research we followed the list of politically correct words, which officially recommended to be replaced to more considerate alternative version. However, having analyzed articles in American periodicals, we revealed that not always words that are considered to be politically correct are used in mass media. There are a lot of examples of such words that should have been replaced according to the last tendencies of political correctness (blind, chairman, “the black ship of the family”, guys, assemblyman, pets so on). Due to our own research based on the analysis of the printed mass media and in co-operation with Peace Corps volunteers Teri Bolinger and Sarah Bursched-Nagy we made a new list of politically correct words and expressions. It is more detailed and renewed. The list has explanation and words that in fact are jokes made up to mock PC language.

This list can be used for studying English at school and individually by students and also by interpreters, linguists, journalists and all other people who care of being tolerate and modern.

Be politically correct!

Список-пам’ятка політично корректних слів

  1. chair/ chairperson – chairman досі широко поширене, особливо, коли мова йде про професію

  2. sanitation engineer – bin man хоча це є офіційною назвою професії, більшість вважають заміну sanitation engineer на bin man просто дурницею

  3. native Americans – American Indians/ red Indians. Americans більш поширене слово в наш час, але деякі native Americans віддають перевагу терміну Indians.

  4. mail carrier – postman/ mailman Mail carrier є офіційним терміном у США та поступово стає більш поширеним в розмовній мові.

  5. mentally challenged/ learning difficulties – mentally disabled - раніше було майже завжди офіційним і вже у деякій мірі прийшло в повсякденну мову.

  6. physically challenged – disabled/ handicapped раніше не було розповсюдженим у мові

  7. visually impaired – blind/ going blind є більш поширеним у розмовній мові, але офіційно майже завжди використовується visually impaired.

  8. hearing impaired – deaf/ going deaf – раніше не так часто вживалось.

  9. seniors/ pensioners – old people політкоректний термін є загальноприйнятою назвою, але у повсякденному житті ніхто не вважає old people неполіткоректним.

  10. follically challenged/ comb free – bald/ balding жарт, що висміює політичну коректність.

  11. fire fighter – fireman - fire fighter завжди використовується офіційно и вже в деякій мірі прийшло в повсякденну мову, особливо у США.

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